Ever feel like your energy level is super low? Like you’d love to have have more pep in your step, but lately you just can’t seem to manage it..

And even though this sounds like the start of a Viagra commercial.. I promise you it’s not 🙂

So let’s talk about one reason your energy level may be decreasing..

Your Cell Phone:

We all know how much we stick to our self phone nowadays.. Whether we’re conscious of it or not.. In fact, we often find ourselves scrolling through social media while watching a show or movie. Or maybe even while we’re in a conversation..

But how does your cell phone actually lower your energy levels??

And no.. It’s not from the wireless signals coming out of your phone..

This is more of a subconcious thing..

What I mean by that is you’ve created a pattern in the way you typically use your phone. You’ve followed this same pattern for an extended period of time and now it has become a habit.. Something you instinctually gravitate towards doing. Meaning you may find yourself grabbing your phone and checking if there are any new messages, scrolling through Social Media, etc even though it’s not bringing you any joy..

Because this is now a habit, you’re doing it at a subconcious level. You’re spending energy and focus on scrolling, checking notifications, etc (though the amount of effort may be minimal). The important thing to understand here is that you’re still spending time concentrating.. If you weren’t, you’d be asleep.

So even though you’re not using a high level of focus when playing on your cell phone, it’s slowly draining your mental battery.

In order to improve your energy levels, you’ll need to break your current cell phone habits.. Let’s chat about some possible ways to do so.

4 Tips to Lower your Cell Phone Usage

Tip #1 – No Cell Phone at Bedtime

At least 30 minutes before you go to bed, plug your phone in (away from where you can look at it). This will allow your phone battery to charge, while allowing your mental battery to charge as well.

Tip #2 – Put your Phone in Timeout

Occasionally place your phone in a desk drawer, leave it at home, or place it in Airplane mode for at least 1-4 hours. This will vastly improve your focus for the task at hand and/or allow more creativity to flow.


Tip #3 – Tell Your Phone to Hush

Turn your notifications off. This will allow you to focus on what is most important to you rather than letting other people’s agenda run your life.

Tip #4 – Tell your Phone to go to it’s Room

When not actively using your phone, place it out of sight. Even having your phone visible has been show to decrease levels of focus. We’re subconsciously connected to our phones, so even visibly seeing it makes our brain pause for a second and imagine what we could be missing at this moment.